Who Else Wants
More Students?
(Or Group Teaching Skills Or Sharper Observation Or Amazing Hands-On)
The Club
TheCoachingClub™ (TCC) is a “Q&A” style masterclass perfect for any Alexander teacher who would like to refine their skills (like hands-on), add new tools to their repertoire or increase their ability to reach more students
The research I’ve been doing into the viability of a totally HandsFree approach to Alexander teaching has yielded some very powerful methods & strategies that have proven valuable to teachers however they choose to teach.
These ways of working harken back to the original methods Alexander created to solve his vocal problems, make his discoveries and to teach himself and others.They are informed & inspired by “Evolution of a Technique” in The Use of the Self.
They are procedures that leverage observation and experimentation as the chief engines of change. They build confidence, self-reliance and as a result accelerate the progress of both students and teachers.
The Focus
TheCoachingClub is all about problem solving. The curriculum is super practical because it always centers around the specific challenges that members are facing every day in their teaching.
I’ve been coaching and training Alexander teachers for over 35 years, and I draw upon that experience to create a challenging but collegial atmosphere that is both serious and light-hearted. Intense at times, but always supportive & accepting. Did I mention that we have fun?
The Club is a community learning lab. A collaborative space online where A.T. teachers from across the globe can gather each week to share questions and find answers together. As the “Learner-In-Chief” I lead the charge, but so much of the magic is in what happens between us; colleague to colleague, peer-to-peer.
The Key
the class
The comments
the opportunity or
the offer
use a video for the closing
Perhaps the most useful of these tools is a simple yet dynamic approach to constructive thinking and directing called: 3 Useful Questions.
3 Useful Questions is the method I use to teach students how to facilitate the head-neck reflex on their own without hands-on guidance.
Using questions instead of directions, students learn how to inhibit their interference with their coordination through conscious but indirect control.
This gives primacy to their natural inborn movement intelligence which automatically circumvents their habitual response.
The approach accelerates their learning and empowers the student in a way that both deepens their understanding and sustains their interest in continuing to learn more.
However, perhaps even more exciting is the effect that 3 Useful Questions has on the teaching process itself. It gives the teacher a highly accurate way to monitor themselves while teaching while sharpening observation and clarifying sensory appreciation and the expression of direction.
Each 90 minute class will be a problem-solving session addressing the kind of specific teaching
challenges that you face every day when you’re teaching. We’ll also be taking a look some new ways of approaching A variety of other subjects including group teaching, observation, marketing and teaching online.
An Important Question For…
Certified Alexander Teachers
Who despite all of their dedication, skill and
determination STILL don’t have enough regular
students to achieve a truly abundant
and sustainable living wage…
If there was a proven, step-by-step method for attracting & retaining
more new students…That would also give you the choice to teach Hands-Free in
corporate settings, on the phone, or over the internet…Without
your having to compromise any of the traditional values
that authentic, masterful Alexander Technique
teaching has always been based upon…
A recent study shows that tens of millions of people are currently engaged in paid distance learning. Tons of potential students more than willing to invest both time & money to get needed information, to learn new skills or to solve those unsolvable problems and to do it Online from the convenience of home or wherever they happen to parking their laptop.
What Was Once ‘Fringe’ Has Now Gone Mainstream…
The explosion of accessible information has brought modalities like Meditation, Pilates, Acupuncture and Yoga into the limelight. Add to that the ability we now have to reach across geographic boundaries to form global communities around common interests. There is an unprecedented opportunity for people with a problem to connect directly with professionals with a solution. Given all that, it is unbelievable and tragic that in the eyes of the general public…
Choose your plan
4 Classes
$ 247
Per Month
- $61/Class
8 Classes
$ 347
Per Month
- $43/Class
12 Classes
$ 397
Per Month
- $33/Class