TATO 2020_22

If We Can’t Touch,

How Do We Teach?

This global pandemic is forcing everyone everywhere to think differently.

Sadly, the things that we have to do to keep safe are the very things

That will continue to make it tougher for many of us to make a living.

How Can We Future-Proof Our Livelihood?

Check Out This New Course:

“How To Really
Teach Online”

An Introduction to:


The First Alexander Technique Training System

Developed Specifically For Online Teaching

Hi…I’m Mio Morales. I’m an Alexander teacher/trainer who trained with Dr. Frank Pierce Jones from 1972-1975 and Marjorie Barstow from 1972-1993.

Since 2005, I’ve been teaching & training Alexander teachers online using  a unique approach to the Alexander Technique I call PrimalAlexander™(P.A.)

PrimalAlexander™ is a hands-free, distance teaching method that’s already proving to be of tremendous benefit to a growing community of certified Alexander teachers from a cross section of training programs.

It’s a comprehensive, step-by-step teaching system informed by my more than 3,000 online teaching hours of research that’s a perfect fit for the truly challenging limitations we currently are facing as teachers. But, perhaps…

The best thing about PrimalAlexander™ is the immense  promise it holds for the future. It’s ideal for teachers looking to acquire new tools, hone old skills or sharpen perceptions, but the way it leverages technology is what sets it apart.

In this course you will learn how to…

  • Take advantage of the convenience and marketing reach of the internet
  • Use video as a learning tool the way Alexander used his mirrors 
  • Orchestrate powerful group lessons onscreen
  • Have a more empathetic response to the way students move
  • Observe movement with an acuity you never dreamed possible
  • Feel comfortable teaching on camera

 Amongst many other skills!

You will benefit from a structured learning system geared for today. One that will not only improve your own Use help your students to do the same but one that grow your online and in person practice by helping you to reach, teach & keep a ton of new students living anywhere in the world!

   “The true value of this approach goes 

  way beyond just online teaching!”

Graciela Alvarez

The Way It Works

“A new field of practical experimentation upon the living human being.”

That’s the field that P.A. lives in.

P.A. is about empowerment. FM was powerless over his habits

It was through experimentation & self-observation that the Alexander Technique came into being. En route

When Alexander embarked upon


to solving his vocal problems, Alexander created what he called: 

“A new field of practical experimentation upon the living human being.”

Inhibition, Direction, Non-doing, Mind/Body Unity and all of Alexander’s  other seminal discoveries came to light as a direct result of  his expansive explorations in that field. He even taught that way for many years.


PrimalAlexander™ is a comprehensive but intuitive teaching & learning system where the focus in this session is upon four areas 

  • Experimentation 

  • Ease

  • Practice

  • Community


  1. Helping students detect when the way they are thinking interferes with their moving.

  2. Giving them tools to use as soon as they notice that interference starting to happen.

  3. Providing a home practice regimen to sharpen those tools & increase their overall understanding & awareness.

  4. Creating a learning environment that supports their efforts and keeps them engaged & motivated.


 increasingly more aware of the relationship between how they are thinking and how they’re moving. At it’s heart is a process called 3EasyQuestions.


Empowerment .Quick description of 3EZQs and The Primary Concern



 hands-on work the process is taken over by the hands. PA goes back a step to the process. PA teaches you an updated version of Alexander’s process.

Learning How to Experiment

P.A.’s focus is upon 4 things:

Although hands on work can be a powerful agent of change in the life of a student, unfortunately, when it comes to their learning how to work on themselves it can be disempowering actually impeding that kind of learning.

From the very 1st lesson, the goal of  PrimalAlexander™ is to empower students in their own learning. To help them experience & understand how the thinking choices they’re making create the movement results they’re getting.

Rethinking of conscious control

Through activities, changes in perspective & novel strategies, P.A. lays out a course for students that leads to a practical understanding of  the essential  principles of Alexander’s work that can be put into practice more easily. 

I want them to be able to apply Inhibition, Non-Endgaining, Non-doing and Thinking in Activity so that their sensory appreciation can become reliable enough for them to detect when they begin to interfere with their natural coordination.


Paint them a picture of what A typical class looks like give a rundown of the order of events


This is not a rehash of …This is a re-imagination…What if FM had never decided to use his hands. Where might the Technique be now after a hundred years?





From the very outset of my own training, besides being in absolute awe of the fact that Alexander solved his vocal problems and without benefit of receiving hands-on guidance…

I often wondered how the Alexander Technique might have evolved if F.M. had continued to explore using only words, voice and presence as the means whereby he taught. What if he had just never decided to use his hands?

What Alexander was able to do he did so by developing his powers. His latent powers of observation, attention and persistence and most importantly: Conscious Control, his power to change his habitual responses to stimuli.


Here are some of the results their students have reported






Here are some of the benefits that teachers are experiencing from learning to work this way
