TATO 2020_13

If We Can’t Touch,

How Can We Teach?

The fundamental upheaval in the World due to the

Pandemic has made our lives terribly difficult.

Almost overnight our accustomed ability

To make  a living by teaching is suddenly…

! In Doubt !

 sO wHaT CaN yOu dO?

You Can Learn How To…

!Teach A.T. Online!

By Exploring…



The 1st Comprehensive
Alexander Learning/Training System
Developed Specifically For The Teaching of…





Hi…I’m Mio Morales. I’m an Alexander teacher/trainer who trained with Dr. Frank Pierce Jones and Marjorie Barstow from 1972-1993.

Since 2005, I’ve been teaching students & training teachers using a unique approach to the Alexander Technique I call PrimalAlexander™(PA).

PrimalAlexander™ is a distance teaching method based upon the kind of experimentation that Alexander originally did to solve his vocal problems and make his other discoveries.

It’s a hands-free approach that’s already proving to be of tremendous value to a growing number of traditionally trained Alexander teachers who are studying it in order to easily overcome the obstacles this crisis presents us.

At the heart of Primal Alexander is a discovery I stumbled upon years ago. I found that if you can observe yourself with an open, almost childlike curiosity…

And then ask yourself a particular question that gently redirects your attention towards places of relative ease in your body…



Anyone, including brand new students in their first lesson, can immediately facilitate their own head/neck reflex & improve their own Use of themselves.


When coupled with the skill building activities I teach, this simple approach to “thinking in activity”  is transforming the way these teachers are teachingas well as the way in which they are working on themselves.

Here’s what teachers are saying about PrimalAlexander™

“I can now allow my head to go forward and up and free my neck just as a thought process. Amazing!”
Akiko Kodate
Akiko Kodate
“Gosh, where do I start?! It has changed and opened up my thinking in all sorts of ways. The reason I have always loved and been passionate about AT is because it is a life-long learning tool, and I’m always amazed and delighted by how my thinking can be challenged, changed and opened out – I just didn’t expect this from online work.”
Jennifer Roig-Francoli
Jennifer Roig-Francoli
“I feel easier 🙂 — inside of activities like acting or making music I feel softer and can practice inhibition without feeling stuck.”
Jill Clayton
Jill Clayton
I find it much ‘easier’ to access ease through Primal Alexander than through traditional ordering/directing. I generally feel calmer, less reactive, and more objectively observant of myself and others.
John DoeCEO
John Doe
The new focus on facilitating ease on the spot, whatever I do wherever I am is always so delightful and so empowering. I am more myself in certain situations and after 20 years of AT and I worked all these years quite regular, I now have a mental working tool to speak ‘when I am ready to speak’ Can’t believe what took me so long . Hahaha Thank you for that especially.”
Rob MillerCEO
Rob Miller

What Is Primal Alexander™?

We discover consciousness by inhibiting
unconscious behavior. It arises in the gap.
It is something that is there waiting,
not something we create.

Marjory Barlow

