Refresher List Page

Hey *|FNAME|*,

I hope you’re doing well and that Spring has really sprung in your neck of the woods!


Spring is really not much more than a rumor here in Corvallis, Oregon so far…




I’m acting “as if”…


So NOW, as a decidedly SPRINGISH THING…


I’m announcing the “REBIRTH” of…




Taking into account conversations I’ve had with Coaching Club Alumni and current club members…


I’ll be making changes to what the club is going to be offering in the months ahead. Here are some of the things I’m thinking of:

  • A 20 minute weekday class where we simply run the Études.

  • An individual lessons class where I’ll be working One on One with people doing activities.

  • A hands-on class that will focus on applying Primal Alexander within the context of a “traditional” individual hands-on A.T. lesson.

  • A range of participation options to better suit people’s availability

  • A searchable AI assisted video library



My original thought was to wait until everything was ready

and then, in the Fall, in a big announcement I’d unveil:

TheCoachingClub 2.0


After Stasia mentioned that she’d enjoy getting together with

other Alumni over a weekend to reconnect and brush

up on all the basic Primal Alexander skills…

Thats’s When…

The CoachingClub Refresher Training

will take place on:

May 11 & 12

From 12-1:30 and 3-4:30 Eastern

The curriculum will be totally shaped by what you guys want to work on and talk about, but it will certainly include a mix of the following:

  • A review the Études

  • Doing the Études

  • A few new Études

  • How to introduce Primal to brand new students

  • Constructive Thinking enhancement

  • New kinds of Constructive thinking

  • An improved version of IMA

  • Work in breakout rooms

  • Hands-on exercises

  • You guys teaching each other.

  • You teaching/me coaching

  • You giving a hands-on lesson/mee coaching

  • And Just Hanging Out With Ease!

Primal Alexander has evolved in some important ways since you were last on board especially in the areas of…

  • Flattening the learning curve for students

  • Better ways to onboard new students

  • New group teaching strategies

  • More effective ways to use the Études in teaching

  • New teaching structures like The Linear Lesson which make it much easier to build excellent lessons on the fly


I would really love to share with you what we’ve been up to over

the last year or so and to hear about the stuff you’ve been doing.


Primal Alexander keeps getting both deeper & more broad, easier to

teach, and faster to learn for both students and teachers. This

workshop will be a great chance to review & try new stuff!

The Cost of the Workshop is $297

I hope to see you there!

Click to Register




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