On February 24th, 28th & March 3rd, I'm
going to be teaching a FREE 3 Part Training
for Alexander teachers and trainees entitled...

In these trainings, I’ll show you how the exquisite sense of Ease that sets the Alexander Technique apart from other helping modalities…

Can also be the start a process of self-experimentation that students can be taught to do on their own.

This process both engages & empowers them in a way that builds their self- confidence & belief in their own ability (& responsibility )to help themselves…

This makes the Alexander Technique more attractive to more people because it’s more fun, just as effective but easier to learn.

In these 3 trainings you’ll learn tools and strategies that make it possible for you to: 

  • Bring in more students

  • Enhance your hands-on

  • Increase student engagement

  • Distill your directing

  • Teach groups more effectively

  • Observe more deeply

  • Better utilize your voice when you teach and it will even…

  • Simplify your marketing!

At the heart of these tools is a simple way to facilitate the Primary Control. This approach is so intuitive that brand new students can learn how to do it for themselves in their very first lesson!

Overall…this training is specifically designed for Alexander teachers who… 

  • Are not completely satisfied with the status quo…

  • Seek additional ways to share their consderable expertise and

  • Are not afraid to the think “Outside the Box” just a bit!

If that sounds like you, read on!

Leveraging The Power of Ease...
Is organized around three areas of interest that are key to my approach to teaching students or working with teachers, namely:

  • Experimentation

  • Engagement

  • Empowerment

Here's a little preview...

The Art of Experimentation
Friday, February 24th
12-1:30 Eastern

Not finding the solution to his vocal problems elsewhere, Alexander regained his voice by carefully conducting experiments on himself while  creating an objective way to observe the results of those experiments.

As we teach ourselves and our students how to inhibit, direct and observe with precision, the act of experimenting itself is revealed to be the most powerful agent of change.

This module will focus on: 

Inhibition's Secret Super Power

The Science of Engagement
Tuesday, February 28th
12-1:30 Eastern

Like any business, the lifeblood of a successful Alexander practice is the repeat customer. In a culture addicted to quick fixes, there's a strong temptation for us to jump into the fixer role.

Teaching students how to unlearn their bad habits might seem too passive in.. today's world. But, in the end, if we help them to develop the ability solve future problems, that tends to grab their attention & hold it.

This module will focus on: 

The Primal Alexander™ Études 

The Science of Engagement
Tuesday, February 28th
12-1:30 Eastern

Aside from teaching them how to stay motivated, perhaps the most important skill we can impart is the ability for them to know precisely when they are helping themselves and they're making things worse.

In the final analysis, being able to discern the truth about the effect your choices are having now and the impact they will likely have on your future, that is in my opinion, the best definition of having personal power.

This module will focus on: 

How The Power of Ease Can Help Tell The Future!

My covering these three subjects in depth... 
Will give you a solid sense of how having these new skills could transform your teaching, your marketing & more importantly, the way you work on yourself.

Exploring this unique form of Constructive Thinking (Directing) speeds up the improvement of your Use because it helps you better identify the subtle habitual intereference that can often escape our attention.

You will find that by the end of these trainings you'll have
have had more than enough time to take these ideas and try them out for yourself  to see just how well they might work for you.


Although many of these tools have been developed to meet the challenges posed by teaching without your hands, these ideas are proving to be a boon for any approach to A.T. that could profit from an even more powerful sense of direction.

Well...That's about it for now...

If you're new to this stuff, I think you'll really come away with a few new perspectives and some very cool tools.

If you're an old friend, these classes will be the next step in being able to put THE QUAD and all the new things to the even better Use.

I really believe you'll find that the three disciplines here could be the blueprint for a potent new teaching/business model for Alexander teachers.

It's already been opening doors to faster learning, better teaching & new income & influence possibilities for a bunch of us.

I think it could be useful for you too. Come check it out!

What We Know Is So Valuable! 

It's time that more people had a chance to experience that value too! 

Thank you for your interest!

Take care,


If you are one of the people who's been asking about when my next full blown course will begin...

The start date is March 10th!

Click HERE  for more information on the full course.
(If you are interested do it now before the BIG Early Bird Discount expires).
