ALL THE NOTES 20-01-27-1143

The full teaching system is called Primal Alexander™. It’s a comprehensive set of techniques, skills and activities (like TheCyCle™), informed and inspired by Alexander’s own experimental process as he described it in “Evolution of a Technique” in The Use of the Self.

But what may be of more interest to you is that…

The exact same process that greatly empowers new students in their kinesthetic re-education and cuts the time it takes for them to apply A.T. to the challenges they face every single  day in their lives…

As an Alexander teacher, when you learn that process, you will take possession of a tool that could 

Successfully create self-experiments that give you real time, objective information about the quality of your thinking and movement choices, while at the same time greatly, quickly  and automatically improving your Use!

We can now do what he did…Just differently!

The main emphasis of Primal Alexander™ is to give students the tools they need to more fully understand how their moment to moment internal reactions and decisions determine how easily they function in the external world. 

Alexander said: “Mine is a method for the control human reaction” Understanding the exact consequences of those reactions is the key to understanding Inhibition, End-gaining, Faulty Sensory Appreciation etc. Alexander’s genius was that he was able make all those amazing discoveries by simply experimenting on himself!

As a teacher, I feel it’s my job to help students learn how to accurately explore  their own thinking within the context of their body’s reaction…To give them the means whereby they can detect sooner when they are getting in their own way. 

Then, as they know more and more precisely when they’re interfering with themselves, I can offer them strategies to use whenever they’re motivated enough to make a change… I can function as a mirror to amend or corroborate their intuitions and as a cheerleader to support their exploration of the unfamiliar.

Alexander made his discoveries through experimentation.

He emphasized in his writing that all his discoveries were not idle philosophizing they were battle tested. 


At the heart of Primal Alexander™ is an awareness process called 3EasyQuestions™. Students learn how to pause in response to a stimulus. Then, in the gap between the stimulus and their response, they use questions to monitor themselves in a way that keeps them from focusing so much on the results that they lose track of the manner in which they are getting them.

opens the door to

But we use the same debauched kinesthesia in our self-care.

We know the process of….Without realizing it, we all develop habitual movement patterns that feel so familiar that they come to feel “right” to us. These are “false reflexes” that interfere with our natural coordination and create patterns of misuse that may feel “comfortable” but are defined by unnecessary excess tension.

The process of change is circular with 4 phases. First, you take a look at yourself. Then you decide if you want to make a change. If you, you come up with a strategy. Next you come up with Coming up with a strategy. Putting that strategy into effect and then assessing the results.

Do you ever feel a little stuck?





THE END OF END GAINING… IF only…But this will give you a process that…

That conscious shift of attention towards ease, in advance of moving, somehow inhibits their habitual response which makes it possible for their inborn movement intelligence to have a greater influence on the quality of the subsequent movements which then immediately become noticeably easier.

7 Day Free trial?

build your teaching practice, sharpen your observation ,  expanding their repertoire  a highly accurate way to monitor  sharpening observation and clarifying sensory appreciation and the expression of direction. group teaching distance teaching.

Apart from being a truly promising way for Alexander teachers to work with students it is an even more powerful way for you as an Alexander teachers to work on yourself.

I’ve found that your success teaching the Alexander Technique without hands-on depends upon two things. First, you have to have a well-designed sequence of activities for your students to do outside of class and then, somehow, you have to get your students to do them!

If there was a way to  and speed up the refinement of your hands-on work without having to give up anything that has already proven to be of value to your teaching…

Would you be willing to take a serious look at a unique & formidable new teaching method inspired and informed by the kind of experimentation that Alexander did to create the original Alexander Technique? 

Guide you on how to adapt your “in person” teaching skills to the online learning environment.
Teach you a reliable way to facilitate the head/neck reflex without using hands-on. 

Show you how to detect subtle changes in a student’s Use even on a computer screen.

Provide a teaching strategy and content that you can personalize and use online or off.

Equip you with group teaching savvy you can use online, in person or even from a stage or in corporate settings.

Focus your use of language, voice tone, phrasing and presence in order to convey or discern information.

Get you comfortable with the simple technology you’ll use to teach successfully online with the greatest of ease. 

The exact same process that immediately empowers a new student in their kinesthetic re-education, will provide you with a tool that will…


 What has surprised me since, is how such a simple approach to directing has blossomed into a robust teaching system that can quickly help anyone improve the way they do anything including Alexander teachers who would love to have more students and great hands!

opens the door to

But we use the same debauched kinesthesia in our self-care.

We know the process of….Without realizing it, we all develop habitual movement patterns that feel so familiar that they come to feel “right” to us. These are “false reflexes” that interfere with our natural coordination and create patterns of misuse that may feel “comfortable” but are defined by unnecessary excess tension.

The process of change is circular with 4 phases. First, you take a look at yourself. Then you decide if you want to make a change. If you, you come up with a strategy. Next you come up with Coming up with a strategy. Putting that strategy into effect and then assessing the results.

HAnds-on Habits

build your teaching practice, sharpen your observation ,  expanding their repertoire  a highly accurate way to monitor  sharpening observation and clarifying sensory appreciation and the expression of direction. group teaching distance teaching.


I need to input some compelling ideas

Here’s an important question if you’d like to further deepen your understanding of Alexander’s discoveries AND if you still haven’t quite “cracked the code” of marketing yourself as an Alexander Technique teacher… 

If there was a way to build your teaching practicesharpen your observation and speed up the refinement of your hands-on work without having to give up anything that has already proven to be of value to your teaching…

Would you be willing to take a serious look at a unique & formidable new teaching method inspired and informed by the kind of experimentation that Alexander did to create the original Alexander Technique? 

The Secret to Amazing

Alexander Teaching

(And some new ideas on how to reach and teach a lot more students)


In that time I’ve logged thousands of HandsFree teaching hours working with all kinds of students from back pain sufferers to elite athletes to high anxiety performers…and every level of Alexander Technique experience from 1st Lesson neophytes to Master Alexander teachers with more than 40 years of teaching under their belt. AND… 

   Thanks to the Internet…

Thousands of students living on almost every continent (no Antarticans so far) have had the chance to explore TheCyCle™ and other Primal Alexander™ Études; enjoying the benefits of Inhibition, Non-Endgaining & Constructive Thinking (and without having to leave home).

But the best part…

And in that time I’ve logged more than 2,800 HandsFree teaching hours working with all kinds of students from absolute beginners to Alexander teachers with more than 40 years of teaching under their belt. 

I’ve worked with chronic pain sufferers, elite athletes, Parkinson’s patients, martial artists violin virtuosos, PTSD sufferers to people with the HSP trait.  I’ve developed a unique system of…

I feel that hands-free teaching is as good as hands-on

But perhaps the most useful thing…

The key to making handsFree work


I knew at the outset that if I were to have any chance of succeeding

to teach them A.T. HandsFree I was going to have to find a way to…


    Provide them with experiences of moving without their habitual excess tension


    Teach “forward and up” without them turning it into a position


    Help them develop a more reliable sensory appreciation


    Accelerate their learning process to maintain momentum 


    Systematically lead them towards a functional understanding of End-gaining


    Teach them how to do reliable Use experiments on themselves 


    Keep them deeply engaged and interested in learning more and more

The Secret To HandsFreeThinking

“Questions Instead of Directions”


Applying an expansion of the approach I use to give a brand new student the means whereby to facilitate their own head-neck reflex, an Alexander teacher (big promise)

Work that has been made possible by a something that I stumbled upon as I was developing a way to teach over the internet

The key to someone being able to…Is literally learning to do what Alexander did facilitate the HNR without an external reference.

Holistic FreeThought

Can kinesthetic information be shared only through touch? Is touch the only way that kinesthetic information can be transmitted?

Are hands-on lessons the only means whereby Alexander teachers can improve their hands-on skills?

Alexander learned how to inhibit and direct without receiving hands-on

Are hands-on the only way for a student to have a new sensory experience?

I have found that the time it takes for students to be able inhibit and direct on their is greatly reduced, as in they learn to do it in their first lesson.

What if you could teach a student to inhibit and direct in their very first lesson

HandsFree teaching is not for everyone

Now What If HandsFreeTeaching Was

The Key To Reaching, Teaching And Keeping More & More Students

Direct sensing of the client, both in stillness and in movement. Further, an experienced practitioner can feel the initiation of a postural set (unconscious preparation for movement)well before it manifests in movement.

Communication of the state of the teacher to the student.

human brain has multiple mirror neuron systems that specialize in carrying out and understanding, not just the actions of others, but their intentions, the social meaning of their behavior, and their emotions.

These mirror neurons fire when we view actions or the states of others.  We literally imitate internally actions that we observe in order to help us understand the intent of these actions.

 “feel” the whole body of someone putting hands on us, and, in fact, will


I’m sure that over the years it has become patently obvious to you that one of the most coveted assets to posses as an Alexander Teacher is to have “great hands” the hands on work that Alexander created is one of the most unique and powerful forms of tactile interaction ever created AND one that requires decades of practice. UNTIL  NOW

As the year 2020 commences, it’s a little hard for me to believe, that come this Spring, I will have been teaching the Alexander Technique completely handsFree for 7 years and I couldn’t be more excited about the future of Primal Alexander. More and more people

are experiencing and  teaching its  hands-free approach to AT and…

What would you be willing to do for…

What if there were a

When you think about the best hands-on experiences you’ve ever had what comes to mind? I remember my first lesson with Frank…

Do remember the first time an Alexander lesson  absolutely blew yo away?

Think about the best Alexander teacher’s hands

Talk about Marj

Does it have to take so long

Extol the virtues Alexander hands-on

Talk about my experience with F and M

Isn’t it ironic that

HFT makes them more receptive and you more communicatie

One of the great ironies of the research I’ve been doing…

I’m going to make a bold statement

Most teachers are not ready to give up hands-on all together


Magical hands


The beauty of Études designing specific tasks

Hey Happy New Year!

Natural Talent

40 Years Of Teaching Under Their Belts

Having Had Direct Contact With A Master Teacher

He Meant Experiment

One Of The Keys To PA Is Teaching Them How To Experiment Meaning

How To Accurately Determine If You Are Interfering More Or Less


If There Was a Faster, Easier Way To Develop

Masterful Hands-On That Will Also Help You 

To Reach & Teach & Keep More Students…

Would You Be Willing to Try Out A 

Dynamic New Kind of Directing?

As the year 2020 commences, it’s a little hard for me to believe, that come this Spring, I will have been teaching the Alexander Technique completely handsFree for 7 years and I couldn’t be more excited about the future of Primal Alexander. More and more people

are experiencing and  teaching its  hands-free approach to AT and…

What would you be willing to do for…

What if there were a

When you think about the best hands-on experiences you’ve ever had what comes to mind? I remember my first lesson with Frank…

Do remember the first time an Alexander lesson  absolutely blew yo away?

Think about the best Alexander teacher’s hands

Talk about Marj

Does it have to take so long

Extol the virtues Alexander hands-on

Talk about my experience with F and M

Isn’t it ironic that

HFT makes them more receptive and you more communicatie

One of the great ironies of the research I’ve been doing…

I’m going to make a bold statement

Most teachers are not ready to give up hands-on all together


Magical hands


The beauty of Études designing specific tasks

What would you be willing to do for…

What if there were a 

When you think about the best hands-on experiences you’ve ever had what comes to mind? I remember my first lesson with Frank…

Do remember the first time an Alexander lesson  absolutely blew yo away?

Think about the best Alexander teacher’s hands

Talk about Marj

Does it have to take so long

Extol the virtues Alexander hands-on

Talk about my experience with F and M

Isn’t it ironic that 

HFT makes them more receptive and you more communicatie

One of the great ironies of the research I’ve been doing…

I’m going to make a bold statement

Most teachers are not ready to give up hands-on all together


Magical hands


The beauty of Études designing specific tasks

If There Was A Step By Step Method For Achieving

Hands-On Mastery Without It Taking Decades, Would 

You Be Willing To Learn Something That Will Not Only

“Evolutionize” Your Hands-On Work, But  

Will Transform Your Marketing Too? 


Attention: Alexander Teachers Looking Towards The Future…

Discover The Secret

To Masterful Hands-On

But something even more interesting…

You don’t have to give up Hands on to benefit from this…

Generally, there’s been an ongoing assumption in the Alexander community that lessons need to include both verbal and hands-on instruction in order to be effective.

It’s an understandable assumption given that this is the manner in which we all originally learned the Technique as well as it being the way we were trained to teach. 

But that assumption belies the fact that Alexander himself solved his vocal problems and made his amazing discoveries without the benefit of external kinesthetic guidance

The elimination of the hands-on component forced…

As a comprehensive teaching and learning system, Primal Alexander™ has evolved into an effective way to give students the tools they need to teach themselves…but 



Having ‘great hands’ has always been the “Holy Grail” of Alexander Technique teaching. That was one of the main things that set the master teachers apart from us mortals 

      I so remember being in awe of how…immediately improve your ability know what student is doing and transmit  to jump-start your powers of hypnotic influence faster than

      you ever thought possible! Test It Out For Yourself and See Amazing Results Starting the First Day — Guaranteed!

But it’s even worse than that

      Having ‘great hands’ has always been the “Holy Grail” of Alexander Technique teaching The “HolyI’ve developed a step-by-step training system that can

      immediately improve your ability know what student is doing and transmit  to jump-start your powers of hypnotic influence faster than

      you ever thought possible! Test It Out For Yourself and See Amazing Results Starting the First Day — Guaranteed!

Having ‘great hands’ has always been the “Holy Grail” of Alexander Technique teaching. That was one of the main things that set the master teachers apart from us mortals 

      I so remember being in awe of how…immediately improve your ability know what student is doing and transmit  to jump-start your powers of hypnotic influence faster than

      you ever thought possible! Test It Out For Yourself and See Amazing Results Starting the First Day — Guaranteed!

But it’s even worse than that

      Having ‘great hands’ has always been the “Holy Grail” of Alexander Technique teaching The “HolyI’ve developed a step-by-step training system that can

      immediately improve your ability know what student is doing and transmit  to jump-start your powers of hypnotic influence faster than

      you ever thought possible! Test It Out For Yourself and See Amazing Results Starting the First Day — Guaranteed!

Shattering glimpses of the obvious

What If The Quickest Path To Developing

Masterful Hands-On Teaching

is To Master the Art of…



Alexander famously said: “Anyone can do what I did, but they would have had to have done what I did, and none of you want anything mental.” 

I knew at the outset that if I were to have any chance of succeeding

to teach them A.T. HandsFree I was going to have to find a way to…

Why you could really Use this: Drift without marj. The shock when I saw her again. going in circles in the desert because on foot is dominant.

you may have seen me teaching TheCyCle™ just the tip of the iceberg



We know full well that in today’s distracted, unfocused, instant-gratification-seeking, totally overwhelmed, end-gaining world…


Our Alexander Technique is virtually invisible to the public at large despite having been around for more than a century…




The thing that REALLY gets to me is that despite the amazing uptick in people’s general awareness of the need for self-care and the near obsession people seem to have with modalities like Pilates, Yoga, Mindfulness(to paraphrase Sir Rodney of Dangerfield)… 



Most people know nothing about what we do, despite the fact that we could be helping them improve the way they do whatever they’re choosing to do to improve themselves…Now


THAT is a tragedy totally beyond comprehension!


But this not news…


Alexander teachers back to Alexander himself have been struggling with public apathy for generations. Use an FM quote or  a 1st gen quote

As you may know I’ve been  come across… Now although you probably are not ready to ditch hands on and teach online…Three things I’ve discovered just might make a huge difference to you inyour practice without your having to give up anything that already works

People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures,allay their fears, confirm their suspicions and help them throw rocks at their enemies.

encourage their dreams

  • help people
  • make a  decent living
  • become masterful
  • save the world

Justify their failures

  • Teaching is hard. A.T. teaching especially
  • endgaining world
  • Marketing is hard
  • lots of competition
  • no training in their training
  • No community

Allay their fears

Confirm their suspicions

Help them throw rocks at their enemies

  1. I should have a bunch of different benefit headlines and test them Like: How to get more students…A way to start a group teaching business plan…
  2. Use advanced igor’s walking hyp for the story approach
  3. Having ‘great hands’ has always been the “holy grail” of Alexander Technique teaching…and for good reason…It is, perhaps, the principle thing that sets the master teacher apart. It is also the distinguishing factor that differentiates The Alexander Technique from all other modalities

They get a tiny glimpse of the freedom Never Binge Again can provide, and they really believe it CAN work but they still can’t quite commit or make it work for them.   This can be VERY frustrating.

Fortunately, a little outside expert perspective is often all it takes to finish the job!  See, everyone’s Pig is unique, so I couldn’t cover ALL the different sneaky ways every individual’s Pig can Squeal its way out in the book…

But I’ve worked with hundreds of people and have found personal contact to be the virtually magic bullet which allows for fast, effective customization and implementation.  Plus, many people want to

FEEL my confidence and experience my BELIEF first hand.   And they also benefit from connecting LIVE with others who can lend hope, enthusiasm, and excitement about their own results.  And…

  • I’m NOT one of those never-been-fat guys who’ll just nod at you and suggest you just “eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full”…
  • I’m NOT someone who’s going to tell you to write down your feelings and stop swallowing your emotions, or go call a friend and paint your nails for distraction when you feel like overeating…
  • And I’m NOT going to suggest you “hug your inner wounded child” while offering no practical wisdom to help you with your binge eating!

What I AM is a formerly obese psychologist who almost ate himself to death while trying all the psychological self-love approaches you can imagine…who (after suffering for decades) tripped over a not-so- glamorous tool which solved the problem

So I can personally drive the Never Binge Again benefits home for you, and help you live the life you KNOW you’re capable of inside.

LIVE perspective from someone like me is often the missing ingredient. It’d be a shame for you to give Never Binge Again “a quick try,” only to slip back to your old ways because your Pig™ has convinced you it works for others, but it can’t ever work for you.  Or because you’re perpetually putting it off to start “someday.”  We both know “Someday” is NOT a day that shows up on ANY calendar!

This would be a shame indeed because, as I’m sure you know, when you’re in the throws of overeating beyond your own best judgment, the world is a truly overwhelming, awful place…worse than anyone besides a fellow binge eater could ever know.  You really CAN be fooled into thinking your Pig™ has all the power; that it’s undefeatable…

