
Two Cool Things That Could

Really Elevate Your Teaching

An important question for Alexander Teachers

who despite all of their dedication, skill and

determination STILL don’t have enough

students to achieve an abundant

& sustainable living wage…

If you could learn an easy way to:

  • Empower your hands-on
  • Sharpen your observation
  • Boost your sensitivity
  • Clarify your Direction
  • Deepen your intuition
  • Amp up your awareness PLUS
  • Reach, teach and keep more students

Without your ever having to leave your living room!

Would you be adventurous enough to try out two powerful teaching

tools that more and more A.T. teachers are adding to their repertoire?


New Tools For Alexander Teachers

The Club

The CoachingClub is a “Q&A” style weekly masterclass for Alexander teachers who want to refine their skills, add new tools to their repertoire or increase their ability to reach and teach more students. 

 TheClub is a recurring membership where members, depending on their plan, meet via Zoom either once, twice or three times per week. 

The research I’ve been doing into the viability of a totally HandsFree  approach to Alexander teaching has yielded some surprisingly powerful methods & strategies that have proven extremely valuable to Alexander teachers of all stripes.

Informed & inspired by the “Evolution of a Technique” chapter in The Use of the Self,  these ways of working harken back to the original methods Alexander created to solve his vocal problems and make his discoveries. These methods will expand the possibilities of your teaching, your marketing and your work on yourself. .

It Takes a Village

TheCoachingClub is super practical and all about problem solving. It’s a place online where Alexander teachers can gather each week to broach and solve the real issues that members are facing day in & day out in their teaching practice. 

The Club is a community and a learning lab. A collaborative online space  where Alexander teachers from all over the globe can compare notes, share questions and find answers together.

I have been coaching and training Alexander teachers for over 35 years and spent more than 10 apprenticing with Marjorie Barstow. I draw upon that experience to create a challenging but collegial atmosphere in the Club that, even when intense, is always supportive & accepting. 

As “Learner-In-Chief”, I lead the charge, but the magic of our meetings is in the collaboration. The knowledge shared in the Club and the feel of the gathering itself  has been known to stir memories of the wonderful workshops you’ve attended or the very best days of your teacher training.

New Tools & Études

Primal Alexander™

As a complete teaching system, I call my HandsFree approach Primal Alexander™ (P.A.). P.A. is a comprehensive set of techniques, skills, activities & explorations that I originally developed to meet the challenges of teaching beginning students online. 


In the last four years, what’s been especially satisfying for me has been seeing just how valuable P.A. is proving to be for Alexander teachers, especially when it comes to their own skill refinement, group teaching, observation and proactive self-care.

The two facets of Primal Alexander™ that any Alexander teacher can borrow and take advantage of immediately are an awareness process called 3EasyQuestions™ and a collection of home-study activities called TheÉtudes.


3EasyQuestions™ is the approach to constructive conscious control that I teach to students. It’s based on the fact that when a person directs their attention to places of relative ease in their body, the head/neck reflex is gently facilitated.

When exploring the possibility of easier movement, after inhibiting, in the gap between stimulus and response, instead of traditional orders or directing, you quickly assess these three things about yourself in sequence:

  1. Where you’re currently noticing places of relative ease,
  2. What effect noticing that ease is having on your general Use and finally…
  3. How that general effect is changing as you begin to move.

This gentle, but focused curiosity about the ease you’re currently experiencing shifts your attention in a way that circumvents your usual habit patterns. It facilitates the Primary Control which reorganizes your movement on the fly allowing you to move outside of your habit with increased ease.

As a form of Constructive Thinking, 3EasyQuestions™ allows the actual direction to come from the natural response of autonomic nervous system to a conscious you’re making rather than responding a feeling-based concept of forward, up, head, neck or body that is habitual.    

3EasyQuestions™ is a new take on constructive conscious control that is so easy to implement that it can be taught to a brand new student in a first lesson. However, in the hands of an experienced teacher, it also becomes a potent self-healing tool that reveals and erodes even deep habit patterns that usually are imperceptible. 

The Études

TheÉtudes™ are the “lightweight” home study activities that students do for a few minutes every day. They form the practice material they use to actualize what they are learning in the group classes.
Like the Études in classical music pedagogy, these are studies; opportunities for  students to learn specific skills in a simplified, focused setting. When done regularly the Études

  • Give students a structure to practice & experiment with their directing.
  • Keeps them engaged with their studies between lessons.
  • Empowers them in their own learning.
  • Provides a way of facilitating the Primary Control on their own.
  • Proves to them that they can improve their own Use whenever they want.
  • Teaches Inhibition, Non-doing and Directing quickly.
  • Improves their sensory appreciation.
  • Develops the awareness needed to apply the Technique in any activity. 

The Primary Concern

In my classes I often reference a concept I call “The Primary Concern” which is the root formulation of an experimental process in the form of a the question:

What’s happening to me as I ____?”

(Where the activity you’re engaged in goes in the blank)

If you can ask and answer that question when you’re in the midst of an activity that’s the beginning of “thinking in activity”. It’s the key to understanding how the “end” you’re trying to gain is affecting your present & future ability to function(the “means whereby”).

Asking that question brings the “end” & the “means whereby” into the same frame so that you can see them both at the same time. That way, when your approach to achieving a particular outcome begins to interfere with your coordination, you become aware of it and can make a change.

In a sense, that’s the big picture of how the Études function in Primal Alexander™ through patient and consistent practice, they quickly teach a student how the”think in activity”.

“Anyone can do what I do,
if they will do what I did.”

Re: Evolution of a Technique

I remember reading that quote for the first time as young, slightly fanatical Alexander enthusiast and feeling like Alexander tossing out a challenge…challenging me to buckle down and apply what he had discovered more seriously.

Did I aspire to someday being able to do what Alexander could do? Yes, I did. Was I willing to sit in front of mirrors for years and years to achieve what he did…Apparently not, because I never did!

However, as the years went by, I came to realize that spending all that time in front of the mirrors was not what Alexander did as much as it was how he did what he did…What he actually learned how to do in front of those mirrors was to…

Experiment on himself!

For me, the key to getting the most out of Alexander’s discoveries is to follow  him down the road of self-experimentation. We have a huge advantage over Alexander. Because as a result of his efforts we know, without a doubt, that there truly is gold at the end of that particular rainbow. 

Primal Alexander™ is a step by step approach designed to improve your Use by teaching you how to experiment with movement in a way that lessens habitual excess tension. By applying a different kind of directing and a graduated series of self-study “études”, Primal Alexander™ provides students and teachers with a straight forward, easy to follow blueprint for improvement.

It’s a self-healing process that uses Inhibition & observation to create a gap between stimulus and response that allows our native movement intelligence to preempt our habitual way of moving while it reinforces the neural pathways that lead to better Use now and in the future.

In TheCoachingClub with the help of 3EasyQuestions™ and TheÉtudes™ you will learn how to identify and untie the psycho-physical knots that limit your effectiveness as practitioner and teacher of the Alexander Technique. 

With those two tools and objective feedback from me and the other members, you’ll be able to enhance and refine your teaching much more quickly and easily than you could on your own.

If you’re interested, you could also acquire HandsFree Teaching skills that will enable you to teach authentic Alexander Technique in situations where hands-on guidance is not optimal or perhaps not even possible.

But, the bottom line is that you’ll discover a simpler way to “stick to principle” more fully and more often while teaching and in your daily life so that you can more deeply enjoy and share this wonderful work with the world. 

Choose 1, 2 or 3

Saturday 12PM
Tuesday 5PM -Thursday 3PM
Times are Eastern U.S. Timezone

Classes are 90 Minutes

Each class begins with the études. The balance of the class is a Q&A
format master class

Every Class is Recorded

Recordings are available same
day and can be accessed for
1 month after the class

Members Only
Facebook Group

Very active for posting questions,
assignments and getting
my video feedback

Daily Étude

Once a day I’ll do our études
live on Facebook & talk about
their form and function

Live Private Talk

Every Wednesday at 4 PM Pacific
I share my thoughts about
recent classes

Benefits & The Things
We’ll Be Working On


It all starts with inhibition and conscious control. This method

Improved Hands-On

Like any activity, hands-on work is subject to hidden habits. 3easyQuestions brings more clarity, sensitivity & power to your kinesthetic guidance.

The Études

3 Flavors
Teacher daily
Activity Specific

Group Teaching Savvy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Sharper Observation


Marketing Hacks

The ability to teach without touching & being able to give students things to practice that will improve their Use will revolutionize your online marketing strategy.

Direction Distilled

Imagine being able to refine your Direction


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Proactive Self-Care

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Home Improvement

As nice as it can be to travel to a residential workshop, you can’t beat the convenience of having your learning happen in your own living room! Not to mention the time
and money you’ll save.

Constructive Think(ing)Tank



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Summation 1 and what they’ll get

Three Ways To Join…

4 Classes/month

$ 247

  • $61/Class


8 Classes/month

$ 347
/ month

  • $43/Class


12 Classes/month

$ 397

  • $33/Class


Here’s What
Teachers Are Saying

Mio’s approach is simply the most direct, clear & global one I’ve come across.

Mio is a fun and engaging teacher. He is excellent at really applying the Alexander technique while he teaches a group. He won’t let you get away with half thinking in activity. The constructive changes are instant and lasting that’s what I find most important and stimulating while learning with him.

Working with Mio for the last year or so, I’ve enjoyed experiencing the ease, simplicity and intelligence of my body’s natural coordination. This class gets to the core of Alexander’s thinking process rather than the procedural techniques he passed on.


I begin teaching all my lessons with the Primal Alexander™ HandsFree approach

For many months now, before I use any hands-on contact, I begin teaching all my lessons with Mio’s Primal Alexander™ HandsFree approach to teaching the Alexander Technique.

The experimentation at the heart of Primal Alexander™ puts students in charge of improving their own coordination and makes them much more successful at it.


(This) enhances my awareness especially when I’m working in person hands-on with my students. 

I really enjoy and have greatly benefited from the way Mio’s teaching has influenced and enhances my awareness especially when I’m working in person hands-on with my students. 

I highly recommend Mio’s class to all Alexander teachers whether you want to learn to use if to learn to observe subtle changes in your students without using your hands or if you want to refine your presence and ability to use your hands in your teaching.


The Facebook group between classes was incredibly valuable…

I was really glad to have the opportunity to encounter the Primal Alexander études again a year later and see how much they have evolved. I’m so grateful to have gotten more information on these really effective tools .

What I found most valuable was the opportunity to see how other people were bringing these tools into their own lives and experiments. The Facebook group between classes was incredibly valuable. It really helped me stay with my own experiments and it was also really valuable to see what other people were up to.

The group assembled was wonderful and the whole way the teaching process has been honed over time really makes me look forward to having the opportunity to learn more soon.


Mio has given me tools that can infuse a deeper sense of ease into any experience.

When I began attending classes, Mio’s emphasis on self-observation and wondering about ease really began to spill over into my daily life. My understanding of the Technique became much clearer – to the point that one of the most stressful years of my life also became one of the best.

Over recent months, I have watched my technique transform and my musical expression deepen with unimaginable ease. I now have the  tools to continue doing this for myself. I am now comfortable calling myself a “violinist” again, and I know this is only the beginning – which I find extremely exciting!


Now, thanks to the class, I’m feeling that as I get older my future will be bright, it will be fun and it will always be full of new wonders

Before Mio’s class I couldn’t imagine learning A.T. online.To me, A.T. was about how I moved my body. With online lessons I’ve found that the key is my thinking. By experimenting and observing I can improve myself by myself and the speed of change is amazing!

I can take a lesson anywhere even in a hotel room on business. I’m much more relaxed and can express my emotions more easily around people. I used to get stressed by demanding too much of myself and had a vague sense of anxiety about my future. Now, thanks to the class, I’m feeling that as I get older my future will be bright, it will be fun and it will always be full of new wonders


I seem to be much more alert & sensitive to the nuances within each moment.

Lately my constructive thinking has become more dynamic.  I seem to be much more alert and sensitive to the nuances within each moment.  My tension early warning system is proactive, offering me the opportunity for choice. In a split second!

What strikes me is how simple this all is. I’m able to use constructive thinking in a laboratory-like setting which has been very valuable for integrating it into other aspects of my daily life.

I miss our weekly sessions.


Mio is great at teaching without ever making you feel like you’re wrong.

Since working with Mio my way of understanding AT has gotten so much deeper. I feel a lot calmer these days and I can see things more as they really are. I’m much less judgmental and I’m beginning to understand just what “Non-Endgaining” really means! My self-confidence has grown a lot, and no matter what happens, I’m able to deal with things much more constructively.

In our classes we experience an incredibly warm and tender atmosphere which in my experience is very rare. Mio is great at teaching without ever making you feel like you’re wrong. We freely share our experiences and what we’re learning and that makes our personal changes even more powerful. There is truth here.


I hope in this life everyone has a chance to work with him. Thanks, Mio!

What can I say about Mio? Well, for starters, no single person has had a more profound effect on my physical well being. Meeting him was the beginning of a long period of being pain free. And not pain free in the sense that someone healed me…but pain free in the sense that I now have ‘control’ over my own well being.

What Mio teaches is that A.T. is something you both do for yourself and allow to happen. I’ve spent most of the last decade trying to forget everything I ever learned, from yoga directions to Alexander’s classic directions…All you have to do is Notice the Ease…It’s so much more effective and simple!

I hope in this life everyone has a chance to work with him. Thanks, Mio!


Summation 2 and what they’ll get

4 Classes/month

$ 247

  • $61/Class


8 Classes/month

$ 347
/ month

  • $43/Class


12 Classes/month

$ 397

  • $33/Class


I think that the biggest help I can be to experienced Alexander teachers is to help you become aware

“Take a Gambling Chance”

Over the 20 odd years I trekked out to Nebraska to study with Marjorie Barstow, it became more and more clear that, like Alexander, Marj was an inveterate gambler. She was always willing to…

Every Summer there was something new. A different twist on an old idea or something completely fresh and unexpected. Of course, as I progressed in my work on myself I heard, saw and experienced things differently, but it was apparent that Marj was always pushing the envelope; trying to help her students more effectively by striving  to make her teaching more and more simple and powerful. 

Marj put a big big emphasis on gambling…

The Club’s Q&A style, interactive format makes it difficult to lay out the exact curriculum here, but below please find some the key areas of interest that we will be exploring.

I will be teaching the fundamentals of PA. Alexander was always updating. But you need a good compass. It’s easy to stray off course. Desert walking. Going in circles digging a deeper and deeper groove.

From:Mio Morales
Hello+Happy 2020!


Part 1

Hey, Mio here, Happy 2020!

You know, if teaching is an art, then teaching the Alexander Technique is truly High Art and a tough one at that!

The knowledge, skill and sensitivity required to become a really good Alexander teacher is hard won and usually takes a heck of a lot of time.

That time thing was big thing for me early on. I was young and impatient and in such a hurry to “get it” so that I could become a great drummer.

I only became an Alexander teacher because when I asked Frank Jones how I could learn the Technique faster he said learn to teach it (which back then was about the last thing I wanted to do).

As the years went by things did change a bit. I loved teaching and my obsession shifted to trying to figure what I could do in order to help my students learn faster & more deeply, more completely.

Now almost done with my 5th decade of Alexandering, I’m realizing that they are one and the same. The speed, depth and completeness of my student’s learning…

Is a direct reflection of the speed, depth & completeness of my learning and not just when I’m teaching but…RIGHT NOW, in this moment!

Talk about a sobering thought!



That time thing was big thing for me early on. I was young and impatient and in such a hurry to “get it” so that I could become a great drummer.

I only became an Alexander teacher because when I asked Frank Jones how I could learn the Technique faster he said learn to teach it (which was about the last thing I wanted to do).

As the years went by things did change a bit. My obsession shifted to trying to figure what I could do in order to help my students learn faster & more deeply, more completely.

Now almost done with my 5th decade of Alexandering, I’m realizing that they are one and the same. The speed, depth and completeness of my student’s learning…

Is a direct reflection of the speed, depth & completeness of my learning and not just when I’m teaching…RIGHT NOW, in this moment!

Talk about a sobering thought!



If you’ve ever been frustrated with your progress as an Alexander teacher/entrepreneur in this, knee-jerk, end-gaining world of ours, I know just how you feel…Boy, have I been there!

Given the value of what we, as Alexander teachers, have to offer, people should be knocking down doors trying to book lessons and take our courses.

And then they should be absolutely delighted to spread the word to all their friends, family and co-workers.


So..As this World of our keeps getting worse, we have to find ways of getting better…and faster!

We have to find more effective ways not only to reach the people that need us, but to make our value so patently obvious to them that they SEEK US OUT.

The should understand, as we do, that being able to apply what Alexander discovered in their daily life is a foundational need that will elevate the quality of virtually everything else they do in their life.


That’s the big question. Unfortunately, all I’ve got is a small answer. A few clues as to how we can get started in a better direction. Some big little wins that have helped me & my intrepid colleagues get…

A little better…

A litle easier…

A little sooner…

Every single day!

If you’re curious read on.


Part 2

Ironically, as a result of my research into teaching without Hands-on, I’ve discovered some things that could really be of value to Alexander teachers in general with regard to your teaching and to your marketing as well!

These simple ways of working quickly enhance the hard-won teaching skills you already possess & provide you with a
potent set of new tools that will deepen your teaching and greatly expand its reach.

Starting next month I will begin sharing them in the 1st of a series post-graduate training opportunities for Alexander teachers who interested in increasing their flexibility as teachers and broadening their influence as professionals.

So…If you’d like to add to your group teaching chops, hone your observation skill, expand your awareness or increase the effectiveness of your hands-on work.

Please Come Join Us…

Coming Soon…

Here’s an important question if you’d like to further deepen your understanding of Alexander’s discoveries AND if you still haven’t quite “cracked the code” of marketing yourself as an Alexander Technique teacher… 

If there was a way to build your teaching practicesharpen your observation and speed up the refinement of your hands-on work without having to give up anything that has already proven to be of value to your teaching…

Would you be willing to take a serious look at a unique & formidable new teaching method inspired and informed by the kind of experimentation that Alexander did to create the original Alexander Technique? 

The Secret to Amazing

Alexander Teaching

(And some new ideas on how to reach and teach a lot more students)


In that time I’ve logged thousands of HandsFree teaching hours working with all kinds of students from back pain sufferers to elite athletes to high anxiety performers…and every level of Alexander Technique experience from 1st Lesson neophytes to Master Alexander teachers with more than 40 years of teaching under their belt. AND… 

   Thanks to the Internet…

Thousands of students living on almost every continent (no Antarticans so far) have had the chance to explore TheCyCle™ and other Primal Alexander™ Études; enjoying the benefits of Inhibition, Non-Endgaining & Constructive Thinking (and without having to leave home).

But the best part…

And in that time I’ve logged more than 2,800 HandsFree teaching hours working with all kinds of students from absolute beginners to Alexander teachers with more than 40 years of teaching under their belt. 

I’ve worked with chronic pain sufferers, elite athletes, Parkinson’s patients, martial artists violin virtuosos, PTSD sufferers to people with the HSP trait.  I’ve developed a unique system of…

I feel that hands-free teaching is as good as hands-on

But perhaps the most useful thing…

The key to making handsFree work

I knew at the outset that if I were to have any chance of succeeding

to teach them A.T. HandsFree I was going to have to find a way to…

  • Provide them with experiences of moving without their habitual excess tension
  • Teach “forward and up” without them turning it into a position
  • Help them develop a more reliable sensory appreciation
  • Accelerate their learning process to maintain momentum 
  • Systematically lead them towards a functional understanding of End-gaining
  • Teach them how to do reliable Use experiments on themselves 
  • Keep them deeply engaged and interested in learning more and more

The Secret To HandsFreeThinking

“Questions Instead of Directions”

Applying an expansion of the approach I use to give a brand new student the means whereby to facilitate their own head-neck reflex, an Alexander teacher (big promise)

Work that has been made possible by a something that I stumbled upon as I was developing a way to teach over the internet

The key to someone being able to…Is literally learning to do what Alexander did facilitate the HNR without an external reference.

Holistic FreeThought

Can kinesthetic information be shared only through touch? Is touch the only way that kinesthetic information can be transmitted?

Are hands-on lessons the only means whereby Alexander teachers can improve their hands-on skills?

Alexander learned how to inhibit and direct without receiving hands-on

Are hands-on the only way for a student to have a new sensory experience?

I have found that the time it takes for students to be able inhibit and direct on their is greatly reduced, as in they learn to do it in their first lesson.

What if you could teach a student to inhibit and direct in their very first lesson

HandsFree teaching is not for everyone

Now What If HandsFreeTeaching Was

The Key To Reaching, Teaching And Keeping More & More Students

Direct sensing of the client, both in stillness and in movement. Further, an experienced practitioner can feel the initiation of a postural set (unconscious preparation for movement)well before it manifests in movement.

Communication of the state of the teacher to the student.

human brain has multiple mirror neuron systems that specialize in carrying out and understanding, not just the actions of others, but their intentions, the social meaning of their behavior, and their emotions.

These mirror neurons fire when we view actions or the states of others.  We literally imitate internally actions that we observe in order to help us understand the intent of these actions.

 “feel” the whole body of someone putting hands on us, and, in fact, will


I’m sure that over the years it has become patently obvious to you that one of the most coveted assets to posses as an Alexander Teacher is to have “great hands” the hands on work that Alexander created is one of the most unique and powerful forms of tactile interaction ever created AND one that requires decades of practice. UNTIL  NOW

As the year 2020 commences, it’s a little hard for me to believe, that come this Spring, I will have been teaching the Alexander Technique completely handsFree for 7 years and I couldn’t be more excited about the future of Primal Alexander. More and more people

are experiencing and  teaching its  hands-free approach to AT and…

What would you be willing to do for…

What if there were a

When you think about the best hands-on experiences you’ve ever had what comes to mind? I remember my first lesson with Frank…

Do remember the first time an Alexander lesson  absolutely blew yo away?

Think about the best Alexander teacher’s hands

Talk about Marj

Does it have to take so long

Extol the virtues Alexander hands-on

Talk about my experience with F and M

Isn’t it ironic that

HFT makes them more receptive and you more communicatie

One of the great ironies of the research I’ve been doing…

I’m going to make a bold statement

Most teachers are not ready to give up hands-on all together


Magical hands


The beauty of Études designing specific tasks

Hey Happy New Year!

Natural Talent

40 Years Of Teaching Under Their Belts

Having Had Direct Contact With A Master Teacher

He Meant Experiment

One Of The Keys To PA Is Teaching Them How To Experiment Meaning

How To Accurately Determine If You Are Interfering More Or Less

If There Was a Faster, Easier Way To Develop

Masterful Hands-On That Will Also Help You 

To Reach & Teach & Keep More Students…

Would You Be Willing to Try Out A 

Dynamic New Kind of Directing?

As the year 2020 commences, it’s a little hard for me to believe, that come this Spring, I will have been teaching the Alexander Technique completely handsFree for 7 years and I couldn’t be more excited about the future of Primal Alexander. More and more people

are experiencing and  teaching its  hands-free approach to AT and…

What would you be willing to do for…

What if there were a

When you think about the best hands-on experiences you’ve ever had what comes to mind? I remember my first lesson with Frank…

Do remember the first time an Alexander lesson  absolutely blew yo away?

Think about the best Alexander teacher’s hands

Talk about Marj

Does it have to take so long

Extol the virtues Alexander hands-on

Talk about my experience with F and M

Isn’t it ironic that

HFT makes them more receptive and you more communicatie

One of the great ironies of the research I’ve been doing…

I’m going to make a bold statement

Most teachers are not ready to give up hands-on all together


Magical hands


The beauty of Études designing specific tasks

What would you be willing to do for…

What if there were a 

When you think about the best hands-on experiences you’ve ever had what comes to mind? I remember my first lesson with Frank…

Do remember the first time an Alexander lesson  absolutely blew yo away?

Think about the best Alexander teacher’s hands

Talk about Marj

Does it have to take so long

Extol the virtues Alexander hands-on

Talk about my experience with F and M

Isn’t it ironic that 

HFT makes them more receptive and you more communicatie

One of the great ironies of the research I’ve been doing…

I’m going to make a bold statement

Most teachers are not ready to give up hands-on all together


Magical hands


The beauty of Études designing specific tasks

If There Was A Step By Step Method For Achieving

Hands-On Mastery Without It Taking Decades, Would 

You Be Willing To Learn Something That Will Not Only

“Evolutionize” Your Hands-On Work, But  

Will Transform Your Marketing Too? 

Attention: Alexander Teachers Looking Towards The Future…

Discover The Secret

To Masterful Hands-On

But something even more interesting…

You don’t have to give up Hands on to benefit from this…

Generally, there’s been an ongoing assumption in the Alexander community that lessons need to include both verbal and hands-on instruction in order to be effective.

It’s an understandable assumption given that this is the manner in which we all originally learned the Technique as well as it being the way we were trained to teach. 

But that assumption belies the fact that Alexander himself solved his vocal problems and made his amazing discoveries without the benefit of external kinesthetic guidance

The elimination of the hands-on component forced…

As a comprehensive teaching and learning system, Primal Alexander™ has evolved into an effective way to give students the tools they need to teach themselves…but 


Having ‘great hands’ has always been the “Holy Grail” of Alexander Technique teaching. That was one of the main things that set the master teachers apart from us mortals 

      I so remember being in awe of how…immediately improve your ability know what student is doing and transmit  to jump-start your powers of hypnotic influence faster than

      you ever thought possible! Test It Out For Yourself and See Amazing Results Starting the First Day — Guaranteed!

But it’s even worse than that

      Having ‘great hands’ has always been the “Holy Grail” of Alexander Technique teaching The “HolyI’ve developed a step-by-step training system that can

      immediately improve your ability know what student is doing and transmit  to jump-start your powers of hypnotic influence faster than

      you ever thought possible! Test It Out For Yourself and See Amazing Results Starting the First Day — Guaranteed!

Having ‘great hands’ has always been the “Holy Grail” of Alexander Technique teaching. That was one of the main things that set the master teachers apart from us mortals 

      I so remember being in awe of how…immediately improve your ability know what student is doing and transmit  to jump-start your powers of hypnotic influence faster than

      you ever thought possible! Test It Out For Yourself and See Amazing Results Starting the First Day — Guaranteed!

But it’s even worse than that

      Having ‘great hands’ has always been the “Holy Grail” of Alexander Technique teaching The “HolyI’ve developed a step-by-step training system that can

      immediately improve your ability know what student is doing and transmit  to jump-start your powers of hypnotic influence faster than

      you ever thought possible! Test It Out For Yourself and See Amazing Results Starting the First Day — Guaranteed!

Shattering glimpses of the obvious

What If The Quickest Path To Developing

Masterful Hands-On Teaching

is To Master the Art of…



Alexander famously said: “Anyone can do what I did, but they would have had to have done what I did, and none of you want anything mental.” 

I knew at the outset that if I were to have any chance of succeeding

to teach them A.T. HandsFree I was going to have to find a way to…

Why you could really Use this: Drift without marj. The shock when I saw her again. going in circles in the desert because on foot is dominant.

you may have seen me teaching TheCyCle™ just the tip of the iceberg


We know full well that in today’s distracted, unfocused, instant-gratification-seeking, totally overwhelmed, end-gaining world…

Our Alexander Technique is virtually invisible to the public at large despite having been around for more than a century…


The thing that REALLY gets to me is that despite the amazing uptick in people’s general awareness of the need for self-care and the near obsession people seem to have with modalities like Pilates, Yoga, Mindfulness(to paraphrase Sir Rodney of Dangerfield)… 


Most people know nothing about what we do, despite the fact that we could be helping them improve the way they do whatever they’re choosing to do to improve themselves…Now

THAT is a tragedy totally beyond comprehension!

But this not news…


Alexander teachers back to Alexander himself have been struggling with public apathy for generations. Use an FM quote or  a 1st gen quote

As you may know I’ve been  come across… Now although you probably are not ready to ditch hands on and teach online…Three things I’ve discovered just might make a huge difference to you inyour practice without your having to give up anything that already works

People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures,allay their fears, confirm their suspicions and help them throw rocks at their enemies.

encourage their dreams

  • help people
  • make a  decent living
  • become masterful
  • save the world

Justify their failures

  • Teaching is hard. A.T. teaching especially
  • endgaining world
  • Marketing is hard
  • lots of competition
  • no training in their training
  • No community

Allay their fears

Confirm their suspicions

Help them throw rocks at their enemies

  1. I should have a bunch of different benefit headlines and test them Like: How to get more students…A way to start a group teaching business plan…
  2. Use advanced igor’s walking hyp for the story approach
  3. Having ‘great hands’ has always been the “holy grail” of Alexander Technique teaching…and for good reason…It is, perhaps, the principle thing that sets the master teacher apart. It is also the distinguishing factor that differentiates The Alexander Technique from all other modalities

They get a tiny glimpse of the freedom Never Binge Again can provide, and they really believe it CAN work but they still can’t quite commit or make it work for them.   This can be VERY frustrating.

Fortunately, a little outside expert perspective is often all it takes to finish the job!  See, everyone’s Pig is unique, so I couldn’t cover ALL the different sneaky ways every individual’s Pig can Squeal its way out in the book…

But I’ve worked with hundreds of people and have found personal contact to be the virtually magic bullet which allows for fast, effective customization and implementation.  Plus, many people want to

FEEL my confidence and experience my BELIEF first hand.   And they also benefit from connecting LIVE with others who can lend hope, enthusiasm, and excitement about their own results.  And…

  • I’m NOT one of those never-been-fat guys who’ll just nod at you and suggest you just “eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full”…
  • I’m NOT someone who’s going to tell you to write down your feelings and stop swallowing your emotions, or go call a friend and paint your nails for distraction when you feel like overeating…
  • And I’m NOT going to suggest you “hug your inner wounded child” while offering no practical wisdom to help you with your binge eating!

What I AM is a formerly obese psychologist who almost ate himself to death while trying all the psychological self-love approaches you can imagine…who (after suffering for decades) tripped over a not-so- glamorous tool which solved the problem

So I can personally drive the Never Binge Again benefits home for you, and help you live the life you KNOW you’re capable of inside.

LIVE perspective from someone like me is often the missing ingredient. It’d be a shame for you to give Never Binge Again “a quick try,” only to slip back to your old ways because your Pig™ has convinced you it works for others, but it can’t ever work for you.  Or because you’re perpetually putting it off to start “someday.”  We both know “Someday” is NOT a day that shows up on ANY calendar!

This would be a shame indeed because, as I’m sure you know, when you’re in the throws of overeating beyond your own best judgment, the world is a truly overwhelming, awful place…worse than anyone besides a fellow binge eater could ever know.  You really CAN be fooled into thinking your Pig™ has all the power; that it’s undefeatable…


An important question for Alexander teachers…

                                            Who despite all of their dedication, skill and 

determination  STILL don’t have enough regular

students to achieve a truly abundant

                                            and sustainable living wage… 

“cracked the code

working with all kinds of students from back pain sufferers to elite athletes to high anxiety performers…and every level of Alexander Technique experience from 1st Lesson neophytes to Master Alexander teachers with more than 40 years of teaching under their belt. 

Thousands of students living on almost every continent (no Antarticans so far) have had the chance to explore TheCyCle™ and other Primal Alexander™ Études; enjoying the benefits of Inhibition, Non-Endgaining & Constructive Thinking (and without having to leave home).

I’ve worked with chronic pain sufferers, elite athletes, Parkinson’s patients, martial artists violin virtuosos, PTSD sufferers to people with the HSP trait. 


Does it have to take so long

Hidden endgaining

You don’t have to give up Hands on to benefit from this…

immediately improve your ability know what student is doing and transmit

We know full well that in today’s distracted, unfocused, instant-gratification-seeking, totally overwhelmed, end-gaining world…

Our Alexander Technique is virtually invisible to the public at large despite having been around for more than a century…

we could be helping them improve the way they do whatever they’re choosing to do to improve themselves…Now

I knew at the outset that if I were to have any chance of succeeding

to teach them A.T. HandsFree I was going to have to find a way to…



The thing that REALLY gets to me is that despite the amazing uptick in people’s general awareness of the need for self-care and the near obsession people seem to have with modalities like Pilates, Yoga, Mindfulness(to paraphrase Sir Rodney of Dangerfield)… 


Most people know nothing about what we do, despite the fact that  

THAT is a tragedy totally beyond comprehension!

But this not news…


Alexander teachers back to Alexander himself have been struggling with public apathy for generations. Use an FM quote or  a 1st gen quote

As you may know I’ve been  come across… Now although you probably are not ready to ditch hands on and teach online…Three things I’ve discovered just might make a huge difference to you inyour practice without your having to give up anything that already works

People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures,allay their fears, confirm their suspicions and help them throw rocks at their enemies.

encourage their dreams

  • help people
  • make a  decent living
  • become masterful
  • save the world

Justify their failures

  • Teaching is hard. A.T. teaching especially
  • endgaining world
  • Marketing is hard
  • lots of competition
  • no training in their training
  • No community

Allay their fears

Confirm their suspicions

Help them throw rocks at their enemies

They get a tiny glimpse of the freedom Never Binge Again can provide, and they really believe it CAN work but they still can’t quite commit or make it work for them.   This can be VERY frustrating.

Fortunately, a little outside expert perspective is often all it takes to finish the job!  See, everyone’s Pig is unique, so I couldn’t cover ALL the different sneaky ways every individual’s Pig can Squeal its way out in the book..

Why you could really Use this: Drift without marj. The shock when I saw her again. going in circles in the desert because on foot is dominant.

you may have seen me teaching TheCyCle™ just the tip of the iceberg

 “Anyone can do what I did, but they would have had to have done what I did, and none of you want anything mental.”


If There Was A Step By Step Method For Achieving

You don’t have to give up Hands on to benefit from this…


a highly accurate way to monitor  sharpening observation and clarifying sensory appreciation and the expression of direction. group teaching distance teaching.

TheCoachingClub is super practical and all about problem solving. My purpose is to provide Alexander teachers with a place each week to gather online and together tackle the challenges that members face day in & day out in their teaching practice. 

I have been coaching and training Alexander teachers for over 35 years, and I draw upon that experience to create a challenging but collegial atmosphere that is both serious and light-hearted. Intense at times, but always supportive & accepting. 

The Club is a community and a learning lab. A collaborative online space  where Alexander teachers from all over the globe can compare notes, share questions and find answers together.

As the “Learner-In-Chief” I lead the charge, the magic is in  the collaboration, the meeting of minds peer-to-peer. The knowledge shared in the Club and the feel of the experience itself  just might stir memories in you of wonderful workshops you’ve attended over the years or the very best days of your teacher training.
