These 3 Questions May Be of Interest To Alexander Teachers

Who Can’t Teach In Person Right Now & Shudder Every

Time They Think About Having to Market Themselves…


What if you could learn a very simple shift
in thinking that more & more Alexander
teachers are relying on to reach,

teach & keep more students?

What if you could learn the very simple shift in thinking that more & more
A.T. Teachers rely on to reach,
teach & keep more students?


What if that change in thinking improved your Use
Use & provided you with some new tools that
that flattened the A.T. improvement curve
for your students and for you as well?

What if that thinking change improved your Use & gave you cool new tools
that sped up & deepened learning
for you and your students?


What if these two things ended up being keys to
to your being able to deepen your practice,
help a lot more students & build interest
in the Alexander Work worldwide?

What If you then had an easy way to teach A.T. online that included a
thrifty way to market yourself
successfully angst free!

Worth Taking A Good Look At?


Hey! I’m Mio Morales. Just about 30 years ago, in conversation with a student after a lesson, I happened to stumble upon a novel approach to directing and constructive thinking that was so logical, simple and easy to teach that…

I Didn’t Think Much of it.

It seemed too simple. It didn’t seem rigorous enough. On the other hand it was effective and theoretically, I could see how something like that could empower students in their own learning. But, ultimately I dismissed it despite seeing the proof of its potential value in action.

How Come?

Because, at that time, I believed that you couldn’t possibly teach a truly valuable, authentic Alexander Technique lesson without a predominance of skillfully applied hands on kinesthetic guidance!

The Japan Story

As an Alexander student and as a teacher, I’ve always been fascinated by the mental aspect of the Alexander Technique. Both in terms of the ideas themselves and the concept of conscious control. I’d have to say that I relied less on my hands than most A.T. teachers. That being said, I can’t think of a single lesson where I didn’t at some point incorporate some hands-on work as part of the dialog between me and the student. UNTIL I RETURNED FROM JAPAN.

In 2013, I was invited by Jeremy Chance to teach at his annual Spring workshop in the town of Gotemba, which is at the foot of Mt. Fuji. Inspired by the Summer workshops that Marjorie Barstow held in Nebraska in the 70s, 80s and 90s, The Gotemba workshop was a warm and wonderful remembrance of things past.

I got the chance to work with a wonderful bunch of Japanese teachers, trainees and “civilians” a small subset of which contacted me when I returned home expressing a desire to learn more about my approach to the Alexander work.

We started out by creating a Facebook group where they would ask questions that I would answer, but two things quickly became clear. 1 They were dead serious about learning how to actually teach the way I did and 2) that was not really possible with just a Facebook group.



I began developing this approach in earnest in 2013 when, after teaching a workshop in Japan, a group of teachers and trainees expressed interest in learning more about my approach to teaching. We created a Facebook group where I would answer questions, but it soon became clear that…

But it wasn’t until March of this year that necessity for and the value of a comprehensive approach to hands-free Alexander Technique teaching became apparent to our community at lar

In a way it makes total sense that I basically dismissed something that has since proven to be so important and, according to some, groundbreaking because at that time it simply didn’t fit in with my belief about what…  

Here’s How It Will Help:

Here’s How to Get Started:

Here’s Why It’s So Important:

Here’s Why iT’s So Fun:

Here’s What People Are Saying:


Here’s Why It’s Unique:

It’s Called… 
  Primal Alexander™ 
Here’s How It Works:

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