These 3 Questions May Be of Interest To Alexander Teachers

Who Can't Teach In Person Right Now & Shudder Every

Time They Think About Having to Market Themselves...

What if you could learn a very simple
shift in thinking that more & more
teachers are relying on to reach,

teach & keep more students?

What if you could learn the very simple shift in thinking that more & more
A.T. Teachers rely on to reach,
teach & keep more students?


What if that way of thinking improved
your Use & gave you nifty new tools
that flattened the learning curve
for both you & your students?

What if that thinking change improved your Use & gave you cool new tools
that sped up & deepened learning
for you and your students?


What if these were the keys to your being
a success teaching A.T. online and
your finally being able to market
yourself with total confidence?

What If you then had an easy way to teach A.T. online that included a
thrifty way to market yourself
successfully angst free!

Worth Taking A Good Look At?

Hey! I'm Mio Morales. About 30 years ago I was teaching a class when I stumbled upon a novel approach to directing and constructive thinking that was so simple to do and easy to teach I totally underestimated its power and effectiveness and its uncanny ability to empower students(and teachers) in their own learning process and do it really really fast!

I began developing this approach in earnest in 2013 when, after teaching a workshop in Japan, a group of teachers and trainees expressed interest in learning more about my approach to teaching. We created a Facebook group where I would answer questions, but it soon became clear that…

But it wasn’t until March of this year that necessity for and the value of a comprehensive approach to hands-free Alexander Technique teaching became apparent to our community at large.

In a way it makes total sense that I basically dismissed something that has since proven to be so important and, according to some, groundbreaking because at that time it simply didn’t fit in with my belief about what…  
