TATO 2020_30

If We Can’t Touch,

How Do We Teach?

This global pandemic is requiring everyone to think and to act differently.

Sadly, some of the things we have to do to keep safe are the very things

that will continue to make it even tougher for us to earn a living.

(Especially if you’ve never had quite enough students to begin with!)

What Can You Do Now To Assure Your

?? Livelihood Going Forward ??

How To Really
Teach A.T. Online

An Introduction to:


The First Alexander Technique Teacher Training Path

Developed Specifically For Online Teaching

Hi…I’m Mio Morales. I’m an Alexander teacher/trainer who trained with Dr. Frank Pierce Jones from 1972-1975 and Marjorie Barstow from 1972-1993.

Since 2005, I’ve been teaching & training Alexander teachers using a unique approach to the Alexander Technique developed to address the specific limitations & possibilities inherent in online teaching.

PrimalAlexander™ (P.A.) is a step-by-step teaching system informed by Alexander’s ‘Evolution of a Technique’, the work of Dr. Frank Pierce Jones, Marjorie Barstow’s work & my more than 3,000 hours of research into online teaching & training.

It’s a comprehensive, hands-free, distance teaching method that’s already proving to be of tremendous benefit to a growing community of Alexander teachers hailing from a wide variety of training backgrounds. 

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“How To Really Teach A.T. Online” is my 10 week entry level training for Alexander teachers serious about learning an authentic, non-compromising comprehensive way to teach the Alexander Technique, online or in person, without any hands-on guidance 

This course is Level 1 of TheCoachingClub™, my post-graduate training program for Alexander teachers looking to reach, teach and keep more new students using the internet both as a teaching and marketing medium.

This course will erase any doubts you may have about the effectiveness of online teaching because you will be able to see for yourself the effect it has upon you and your students.

“How To Really Teach A.T. Online” will build your confidence in the power of online teaching and will provide you with the skills & strategies needed   to teach powerful Alexander lessons without having to use your hands.

Here are some of the things you can expect to learn:

  • How to facilitate a new student’s head neck reflex without hands-on
  • How to accurately observe the quality of someone’s Use on a screen
  • A movement studies that will improve a student’s use between classes sessions.
  • A powerful way to
  • A blueprint for a 45 minute private online lesson 
  • How use your voice to induce ease in a student
  • How to teach groups online
  • How to begin marketing yourself as an online A.T. Teacher

What is Primal Alexander

Primal Alexander™ is a step by step approach to teaching The Alexander Technique that focuses on teaching students how to experiment with their thinking and their movement in a way that is reminiscent of the process Alexander himself used.  

By applying a different kind of directing and a graduated series of self-study “études”, Primal Alexander™ provides students and teachers with a straight forward, easy to follow blueprint for improvement and empowerment.

P.A. is a self-healing process that uses Inhibition & self-observation to create a gap between the stimulus to act and our response.

In that gap, timely constructive thinking allows our native movement intelligence to preempt our habitual way of moving while it reinforces the neural pathways that lead to better Use at that moment and in the future.

Three of the assets within Primal Alexander™ that any Alexander teacher can immediately take advantage of will be the focus of this course. They are:

  1. An awareness process called 3EasyQuestions™,
  2. A collection of home-study activities called TheÉtudes™ & 
  3. A mindframe called ThePrimaryConcern™


3EasyQuestions™ is my approach to teaching constructive conscious control. It’s based on the simple discovery that when a person directs their attention to places of relative ease in their body, the head/neck reflex is facilitated.

Here’s how it works:

When exploring the possibility of easier movement, after inhibiting, in the gap between stimulus and response, instead of traditional orders or directing, you quickly assess these three things about yourself in sequence:

  1. Where you’re currently noticing places of relative ease,
  2. What effect is noticing that ease having on your general Use and functioning and lastly…
  3. How that effect is changing as you begin to engage in your activity.

This gentle, but focused curiosity about the ease you’re currently experiencing shifts your attention in a way that circumvents your usual habit patterns. 

It facilitates the Primary Control which reorganizes your movement on the fly, allowing you to perform the activity with increased ease.

As a form of Constructive Thinking, 3EasyQuestions™ allows the actual direction to come from the natural adaptive response of your nervous system. 

You make a conscious choice to direct your attention to ease and then stand back and notice what happens. This prevents you from imposing a habitual feeling-based concept of forward, up, head, neck or body upon the process.

3EasyQuestions™ is a new take on constructive conscious control that is so easy to implement it can be taught to a brand new student in a first lesson.

In the hands of a teacher, it also becomes a potent self-healing tool that reveals and erodes deep habitual patterns that tend to be imperceptible & therefore impenetrable.   


TheÉtudes™ are the “lightweight” home study activities that students do for a few minutes every day. They form the practice material they use to actualize what they are learning in the group class.

Like the Études in classical music pedagogy, these are studies; opportunities for  students to learn specific skills in a simplified, focused setting. When done regularly the Études…

  • Give students a simple way to practice directing
  • Keep them engaged with their studies between lessons.
  • Empower them in their own learning
  • Provide a way of facilitating the Primary Control on their own.
  • Give them a way to improve their Use whenever they want.
  • Teach Inhibition, Non-doing and Directing quickly.
  • Improve their sensory appreciation.
  • Develop the awareness they’ll need to apply the Technique in any activity.


The foundational concept that underlies all of PrimalAlexander I call “The Primary Concern”. It is the root formulation of the self-experimental process that Alexander pioneered. The Primary Concern takes the form of the question: 

What’s happening to my Use as I _____?

(any activity can be put in that blank)

When you can ask and answer that question a few times during an activity, you’ve begun to “think in activity”. It’s the key to understanding how the “end” you’re trying to gain is affecting the way you’re using yourself. Namely, how the manner in which you are doing things NOW is affecting your present and future ability to function efficiently (the “means whereby”).

Asking that question brings the “end” and the “means whereby” into the same frame so that you’re able view the changes in each simultaneously.

That way, when the way you’re doing something begins to interfere with your coordination, you become aware of it and have a chance to make a change. 

That’s the bigger picture of how the Études function in Primal Alexander. Through consistent daily practice, they quickly teach a student the value of “thinking in activity”  and a simple way to do it.

The Experimental Process


       “A new field of practical experimentation on the living human being”

Above is what Alexander said about the Alexander Technique at the beginning of “The Use of the Self. So for me, the key to getting the most out of Alexander’s discoveries is to follow him down that road of self-experimentation.  

Primal Alexander™is a step by step approach designed to improve your Use by teaching you, first and foremost, how to EXPERIMENT

How to use movement, experimentation and observation as the means whereby  one can systematically improve the quality of one’s own Use of themselves.

By applying a different kind of directing and a graduated series of self-study “études”, Primal Alexander™ provides students and teachers with a straight forward, easy to follow blueprint for improvement.

It’s a self-healing process that uses Inhibition & self-observation to create a gap between stimulus and response. 

In that gap, our native movement intelligence can preempt our habitual way of moving while it reinforces the neural pathways that lead to better Use now and in the future.

                            “You can do what I do if you’ll do what I did.”

In this course you will learn how to become aware of and then subsequently untie the psycho-physical knots that limit your effectiveness as practitioner and teacher of the Alexander Technique. 

With an assortment of new tools and objective feedback from me and the other members of this course you’ll be able to enhance and refine your teaching much more quickly, assuredly and easily than you could on your own.

The HandsFree Teaching skills you will acquire will enable you to teach authentic and powerful Alexander Technique lessons in situations where hands-on guidance is either not optimal or, in some cases, not even possible.

The bottom line is that you’ll discover an elegantly simpler way to “stick to principle” and “Think in Activity”. And you’ll do both more fully and more often while teaching and in your daily life so that you can more deeply enjoy and share this wonderful work with the world.  

“How To Really Teach A.T. Online”

A 12 Week Course Running From:
August 11th thru October 27th

Class Meets Twice a Week

Tuesday @ 12PM
Saturday @ 3PM
Eastern U.S. Timezone.

Classes are 2 Hours Long

Each class begins with the études & ends with me teaching 2 or 3,
one on one mini-lessons.

Every Class is Recorded

Recordings are available same
day & can be accessed for 1
month after the course ends.

Members Only
Facebook Group

Very active for posting questions,
assignments and getting
my feedback via video.

Three Private
Mini Lessons

During the run of the course everyone will receive at least 3 one on one lessons in class.

Group Teaching Practice

We’ll be using Zoom’s breakout room feature for a ton of teaching practice and discussion.

Two Ways
To Join

“Mio’s approach is simply the most direct,
clear & global one I’ve come across.”

Eleni Vosniado

Single Payment

$ 997
Save more than $100

  • Facilitate ease through words, voice tone & presence alone
  • Learn the secret to Seeing with Your Whole Self
  • Be able to offer your teaching worldwide

Save My Place!

3 Payments

$ 367
Paid at the start of Week 1, Week 5 & Week 9

  • Facilitate ease through words, voice tone & presence alone
  • Learn the secrets to seeing with your whole self
  • Be able to offer your teaching worldwide

Save My Place!

Q & A


The last time I gave this course was this past Winter and it went really well. After it was over, I sent out a questionnaire to the attendees asking a variety of questions in order to get a real sense of what they had gotten out of the time we had spent together. Below are four of the questions I asked and a bunch of their answers. (use the arrows to see more answers)

1. What changes have you noticed
in yourself during the course?

More Relaxed...
More Relaxed… Read More

BODY: * Drop down/release of chronic tension in right shoulder * I realize when I collapse to the left side thereby lifting right shoulder to compensate * The ability to lengthen and widen on command in a way not known to me before: absolutely lovely!
MIND: A sense of “me” opposite the student * I do not “crawl into the student” as often as I used to do * More relaxed, no need to “fix” the student`s problem.
Staying w/ myself...
Staying w/ myself… Read More
There are so many! One is my trust in myself. My observation has improved greatly. Noticing what happens in me as I see another person or as I see a movement has helped me to be more responsive to my students. Staying with myself is improving. I would also say being with stressful situations in a new way gave me a new tools to be with uncomfortable feelings and to trust the place I am meeting in myself. I’ve also noticed an overall softness and clearer expression of myself.
John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Trust Read More
Greater sensitivity and learning to trust my self
John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Meditative & Supportive
Meditative & Supportive Read More
Subtle changes and not so subtle changes. The daily etudes feel meditative and supportive and a few zeros before speaking completely changes my delivery.

2. About the course What have you
found most surprising?

John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

3. In what way has the course changed
the way you work on yourself?

John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

4. In what way has the course changed
the way you work on yourself?

John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
John Doe@username Read More
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

The power of empowerment…For me, the key to both great teaching and effective learning is empowerment. When FM began his journey he was powerless over his habits. His deep desire for change combined with his persistence, patience and intelligence lead to his amazing discoveries. Experimentation.

The offer

I hope this has given you a good idea of what you’ll be getting by taking this course…
