Webinar Registration 21-07-23B


Online Teaching

The Key to Reaching, Teaching & Keeping More Students Online & Off

In this Free Masterclass, you’ll learn:



Within the first fifteen minutes of their very first Alexander Technique Lesson
We can teach new students how to direct themselves using TheCyCle™.
It’s the 1st of the EaseÉtudes™, the graduated system of home study
tasks that really fast tracks a student’s progress between classes.

The more they can do it for themselves
The more they want to learn from you.



Success with Inhibition is central to one’s success with the Technique.
M.J. is a
fundamental movement study that leads students step by step to a
understanding of how to apply inhibition to improve their Use putting them
firmly on the road to making some big improvements in their daily life.

Being able to circumvent their bad habits builds
a freedom and a power they have never experienced before.



When you can’t use your hands to teach,
your ability to observe and listen diagnostically
becomes paramount. SubtleMovementEmpathy™ helps you to develop a penetrating
knowledge of yourself & an uncanny understanding of your students that enhances
all facets of the way you teach, the way you work on yourself and the way you are.

Insight & simplicity create self-knowledge & a confidence that allows you to build
a vibrant community of learners around YOU drawn by your ability to truly help them!


Hey…This Could make A Huge
Difference For You & Your Teaching

I’ve been teaching & training full time online for more than 8 years now and I couldn’t be happier with the results both pedagogically and financially.

After logging more than 5,000 hours teaching online and having worked with hundreds of students, teachers and trainees…

I’ve developed a suite of unique and powerful methods that are proving to be of great value to A.T. teachers who teach online as well as teach in person.

I’ve discovered ways to combine the internet’s easy access and reach with the transformative power of the Technique without compromising effectiveness.

This brand new Masterclass is the culmination of everything I’ve learned so far about Alexander teaching in general as well as how to adapt it to teaching over the internet without hands-on.

If you’re interested in learning how to take advantage of the educational and economic potential of the World Wide Web and you’re ready to have some serious fun doing so then…

I can’t wait to share with you a few of the best ways I’ve found to meld Alexander’s amazing discoveries with today’s technology so we all can enjoy more success and security from the work we love and believe in so deeply.

I look forward to working with you soon!




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